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About Us


President:               Jan Landers

Secretary:               Vacant

V.P. Vocations:       Vacant

V.P. Programs:       Vacant

V.P. Affirmation:   Bill Fitzgerald

Parish Liaison:      Rita Roberts


President-Elect:            Stan Peterson

Treasurer:                     Mary Ellen Thorne

V.P. Membership:          Kathy Kaler

V.P. Communications:   Amy Michaelis

Club Trustees:               Peggy Morrow, Jerome Higgins


District 6, Club #723,  Region 13  

Chartered September 29, 1990
Chaplain:  Fr. Mark Kovacik

Members of Serra are lay Catholic men and women of all ages and backgrounds who ensure the future of our Church by creating a “culture of vocations.”


Three-fold mission: 

  1. Promote and support vocations to the ministerial priesthood of the Catholic Church as a particular vocation of service and support priests in their sacred ministry;

  2. Encourage and promote vocations to the consecrated life in the Catholic Church;

  3. Assist members to recognize and respond, each in his own life, to God’s call to holiness in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit.


Pontifical Work For Vocations:

Serra International is the only lay organization aggregated to a primary pontifical work. A pontifical work is an organization instituted by the Vatican to advance a particular goal of the Catholic Church. In 1941, Pope Pius XII created the Pontificium Opus Vocationum Sacerdotalium (The Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations) to encourage and coordinate efforts to promote vocations to the sacred priesthood of the Catholic Church.


Aggregation, or affiliation, to this pontifical work reflects not only specific support from the Vatican for our mission, but also confers special spiritual benefits on all Serrans.  From the booklet "Pope Pius XII and Serra International":


Club Meeting Times:
We hold our General Meeting on the 3rd Friday of each month following the 7:00 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus, Boulder,  CO, we meet in Jubilee Hall. Additionally,  we hold our 'Traveling Meeting' after the 1st Saturday Mass of each month at various parishes in the Boulder Deanery.  (Check our Calendar for the upcoming meeting information.)
For each meeting, we invite a speaker to address our members inspiring and enriching our Catholic faith; prompting a deeper call to holiness. Also, selected member chefs bring breakfast for those present.  
Bring a friend and encourage them to join our club!
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